Have you ever waited on a man?



Having a loving and caring family is a blessing; being able to share that with the one you love is priceless. I was lucky enough to spend the entire weekend with my family, who flew in from Georgia, and even though it was short lived, it was still a blast. We stayed up late, laughed until our insides hurt and just had the chance to be around each other, which meant the world to me.

Family is important to a lot of people and it's equally important in a relationship. Understanding someones family and getting along with them can determine a lot about your relationship. Parents and siblings may not always be so welcoming and that's something that can take a toll on your relationship.

Luckily our, my boyfriend and I, families get along great. Although they can sometimes cause a lot of stress for us, they are precious to both of us. It's important to see how your significant other gets along with your family. I know many couples who have family troubles and it's very hard to stay on good terms with them if they hate their boyfriend or girlfriend.

So when you are looking for that special someone try to keep in mind that they might have to meet your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents someday and be prepared. You might see a side of your man you thought didn't exist. Lucky for me it's a side I love.

Live your life,


Also check out the duck tours in Boston! One of the funnest tours I have been on just because my little brother drove the boat!

Photo by Jennifer Rose Photography

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How long have you been apart from your significant other?